Pipa baja yang dilas dibuat menggunakan pelat baja datar atau strip baja, dan proses pembuatannya menghasilkan jahitan pada badannya. Khususnya, ketika pipa baja yang dilas diproduksi, pelat atau strip baja dibengkokkan dan kemudian dilas menjadi bentuk pipa tradisional melingkar atau persegi.
Pipa baja seamless adalah pipa berbentuk lingkaran yang bagiannya berongga dan tidak ada jahitan di sekelilingnya. Pipa baja seamless terbuat dari baja karbon, baja paduan, ingot baja tahan karat atau tabung kosong padat, dan kemudian dibuat dengan cara pengerolan panas, pengerolan dingin, atau penarikan dingin. Pipa mulus dianggap lebih unggul daripada pipa las karena dibuat menggunakan billet baja monolitik, dengan kekuatan mekanik intrinsik, tanpa jahitan las.
Flange merupakan bagian yang menghubungkan pipa dengan pipa dan disambungkan pada ujung pipa. Terdapat lubang pada flensa dan baut yang membuat kedua flensa tersambung erat. Flensa disegel dengan paking. Dan flensa biasanya dilas atau disekrup.
Fitting adalah bagian yang menghubungkan pipa dan membantu mengubah arah aliran atau ukuran pipa atau menghubungkan komponen yang berbeda misalnya fitting siku, fitting tee, peredam eksentrik, dan fitting kompresi, dll.
Segel adalah sebuah kategori dan paking adalah salah satu jenis segel yang penting. Selain gasket, Anda juga bisa menemukan beberapa bentuk seal lainnya seperti seal poros, seal mekanis, seal batang katup, sealer cair, Segel cincin-O, segel putar dan banyak lagi.
Valve merupakan suatu komponen pengatur pada sistem pengangkutan fluida pipa, yang digunakan untuk mengubah penampang saluran dan arah aliran medium, serta mempunyai fungsi pengalihan, pemutusan, pembatasan, pengecekan, pengalihan atau luapan dan pelepas tekanan. Katup yang digunakan untuk mengontrol fluida berkisar dari katup penutup yang paling sederhana hingga berbagai katup yang digunakan dalam sistem kontrol otomatis yang sangat kompleks. Katup untuk pipa industri. Dapat digunakan untuk mengontrol aliran berbagai jenis fluida seperti air, uap, minyak, gas, lumpur, berbagai media korosif, logam cair dan fluida radioaktif. Tekanan kerja katup bisa dari 0,0013MPa hingga 1000MPa tekanan ultra-tinggi, dan suhu kerja bisa dari suhu ultra-rendah c-270°C hingga suhu tinggi 1430°C.
Grup Baja Ecoway
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meter persegi
Valves are essential across not just one, but a wide range of industries. Your equipment needs valves. Your systems depend on them. Even your facility’s safety and efficiency depend on having the right valve in place. They control flow, regulate pressure, and keep operations running smoothly and safely. So, which industries depend on industrial valves the most? Here’s a look at some key sectors and how they rely on valves to perform various operations. Top Valve Industries in 2025 Wastewater Treatment Wastewater systems rely on valves to manage the movement of fluids and solids to treatment plants. These systems operate under lower pressure conditions compared to clean water distribution. Common choices include swing check valves and iron gate valves designed to meet AWWA specifications. Valves in wastewater applications help direct flow and prevent backflow issues. Oil and Gas Production Oil and gas facilities depend on valves to handle the extreme pressures found in underground reserves. Specialized assemblies, known as Christmas trees, use a combination of gate and choke valves to control flow. These valves can withstand pressures exceeding 10,000 psi, especially in offshore applications. Wellhead equipment requires durable valves that can manage both moderate temperatures and high pressure. Beyond wellheads, process equipment also relies on valves to regulate gas and oil before transport. Offshore Industry Offshore oil rigs and production facilities rely on various valves to manage complex flow control challenges. These facilities operate at extreme depths, with recovery systems running thousands of feet below the surface. Valves play a key role in separating oil, gas, and water from the extracted fluid stream. Common valve choices include ball valves, check valves, and API 6D gate valves, which handle internal flow control needs. Unlike land-based operations, offshore pipelines follow different requirements for safety and functionality. Pipelines Pipeline systems use valves to maintain safe and efficient fluid transportation across long distances. Emergency shutoff valves are placed at key intervals to isolate sections for maintenance or repairs. Full-opening ball and gate valves allow inspection tools to pass through without obstruction. Pipeline stations house additional valves to assist with launching and cleaning equipment. Valves also play a role in maintaining pressure balance and preventing potential leaks. Commercial Buildings Valves are essential in commercial buildings to manage water supply, heating, and fire protection systems. Different types of piping systems rely on valves to transport wastewater, greywater, and hot water. Fire protection systems use approved valves to ensure water reaches designated areas when needed. Check valves prevent backflow and contamination in plumbing and HVAC systems. The choice of valve affects the building’s efficiency, safety, and regulatory compliance. Refining and Petrochemical Industry Refineries need tough valves that can handle extreme temperatures and corrosive fluids. Gate, globe, and check valves are commonly used to control flow and pressure in critical processes. High-pressure applications require valves built to API standards, ensuring they hold up under demanding conditions. Ball and butterfly valves are also gaining ground because they offer a compact design and reliable shut-off. Working with the right industrial valve company helps refineries stay compliant and keep operations running smoothly.
BACA SELENGKAPNYAThere are a variety of different types of multi-port ball valve available. Each type has different functions and features. Multiport ball valves can be purchased in three-way, four-way, or five-way configurations. They come in several types of body materials, such as stainless steel and carbon steel. A Multiport ball valve replaces several 2-way valves in a piping system. They have interchangeable balls and are designed to fit specific applications. They can be manifold, or tandem mounted. Each one has different benefits depending on your specific requirements. Instead of using two or three different types of valves, you can simply use a multiport valve. If you want to know more about a multi ports ball valve, continue reading this article. What is a Multi-Port Ball Valve? Multiport ball valves have multiple ports to allow and restrict the flow. It comes in a variety of configurations and has several unique characteristics. Some of these valves have three ports, while others have four or five ports. Common applications include water treatment, mining, aquariums, chemical processing, and bleach plants. Multiport ball valves can be purchased with a range of different body materials, ports, and end connections. Designed for complete control, multiport ball valves are inexpensive and can provide total fluid handling system control. Whether you’re upgrading your current fluid handling system or replacing an old one, you can get the right multiport ball valve for your needs. Multiport ball valves have many advantages. Their three-way design lets you divert flow in two directions and saves you money on a tee fitting. They are also very versatile and can replace two-way valves. And because they can be configured for different applications, multiport ball valves are an ideal choice. This versatile valve is great for applications where you want to mix and divert fluids. How Does a Multi-Port Ball Valve Work? If you are wondering how a multiport ball valve works, then this article will answer your question. Ball valves use a rotating ball to control flow through the valve. During the closed position, the ball is perpendicular to the flow. When it is open, the ball is connected to a shaft in a slot on one end of the valve. The design of a ball allows it to open and close easily with a quarter turn. A two-way ball valve is horizontal, while a three-way valve has a vertical T-pattern. Vertically-oriented valves have the bottom or common port always open. To open or close the valve, you can turn the handle counterclockwise or anticlockwise, as long as the direction of the handle is not 180 degrees. The working mechanism of a multiport ball valve is different from an ordinary ball valve. This type of valve has multiple ports, so you need to turn the handle in the right direction to start, stop, divert and mix the flow. No matter what type of multiport valve you have, you can simply start the flow by turning the valve quarterly. However, in this type of valve, you need to follow the directions to control the flow in different ports. One feature to consider when choosing a multiport ball valve is the materials that it is made of. Brass is a popular choice and can be made of copper and zinc. Brass is tough and resistant to high temperatures and pressures. The copper in the alloy inhibits the growth of microbes. Brass is inert to most chemicals. In contrast, chloride ions strip the zinc from the alloy, reducing the strength of the material. When it comes to choosing a multiport ball valve, it is important to keep in mind the purpose for which you want it. A T-port ball valve can shut all parts of the valve during activity, while an L-port can handle three flows simultaneously. The difference between the two is the shut-off capabilities.
BACA SELENGKAPNYAIntroduction Thread globe valves are crucial components in fluid control systems, providing a means to regulate and control the flow of fluids. These valves are widely used in various industries to ensure precise control and isolation of fluids. In this blog, we will explore thread globe valves, including their definitions, types, working principles, and key features. This information will help you gain a better understanding of thread globe valves and their applications in different industries. Definition and Types of Thread Globe Valves Thread globe valves are mechanical valves designed to control the flow of fluids through a linear motion of a disc or plug within the valve body. These valves feature a globe-shaped body, hence the name “globe valves.” They can be classified into various types, including: T-pattern Thread Globe Valves: T-pattern globe valves have a T-shaped flow path, allowing for smooth and controlled flow regulation. These valves are suitable for applications that require accurate control over flow rates. Y-pattern Thread Globe Valves: Y-pattern globe valves feature a Y-shaped flow path, providing improved flow characteristics and reduced pressure drop. These valves are commonly used in high-pressure applications. Working Principles of Thread Globe Valves Thread globe valves operate based on the principle of regulating fluid flow through the movement of a disc or plug. When the valve is open, the disc or plug is lifted or moved away from the seat, allowing the fluid to pass through. By adjusting the position of the disc or plug, the flow can be controlled, either fully open or partially closed. When the valve is closed, the disc or plug is pressed against the seat, creating a tight seal and preventing the flow of fluids. Key Features and Advantages of Thread Globe Valves Thread globe valves offer several features that make them advantageous in fluid control applications. Some key features include: Precise Flow Control: Thread globe valves provide precise control over flow rates, allowing for accurate adjustment and regulation of fluid flow. Good Sealing Performance: These valves offer excellent sealing performance, ensuring minimal leakage and maintaining system integrity. Versatility: Thread globe valves can handle a wide range of fluids, including liquids, gases, and steam. They find applications in industries such as oil and gas, chemical processing, power plants, and more. Ease of Maintenance: Thread globe valves are designed for easy maintenance and repair, allowing for quick and efficient servicing when needed. Applications of Thread Globe Valves Thread globe valves are used in various industries and applications where precise flow control is required. Some common applications include cooling systems, boiler feedwater control, process control, and isolation in pipelines. Thread globe valves play a critical role in ensuring efficient and safe fluid control processes. Conclusion Thread globe valves are essential components in fluid control systems, providing precise flow control and reliable shut-off capabilities. Understanding their definitions, types, working principles, and key features is crucial for selecting the right valve for your specific application. With their precise flow control, good sealing performance, versatility, and ease of maintenance, thread globe valves are widely used in various industries.
BACA SELENGKAPNYAAda satu hal yang umum dalam produk industri – produk tersebut tidak 100% sempurna.Penting untuk mengetahui bahwa semua produk memiliki kelemahan tergantung pada berbagai faktor, seperti frekuensi penggunaan, dampak lingkungan, dan reputasi produsen.Artikel ini akan membahas beberapa masalah lagi dengan katup periksa baja tahan karat dan cara menemukan pabrikan terbaik.Masalah Umum dengan Katup Periksa Stainless1. KebocoranKebocoran terjadi ketika katup gagal membuat segel yang tepat, sehingga cairan mengalir ke arah yang salah. Hal ini dapat terjadi karena keausan, kerusakan, atau masalah pada komponen penyegelan.2. KorosiKorosi adalah kerusakan bertahap pada bahan katup, sering kali disebabkan oleh paparan zat korosif dalam cairan. Ini melemahkan struktur katup, yang menyebabkan potensi kegagalan.3. Menempel atau MacetKemacetan atau kemacetan terjadi ketika bagian katup yang bergerak, misalnya cakram ayun, tersangkut. Hal ini dapat disebabkan oleh serpihan, karat, atau pelumasan yang tidak tepat, sehingga menghambat kelancaran pengoperasian katup.4. Penutupan atau Pembukaan LambatKetika katup periksa baja tahan karat menutup atau membuka secara perlahan, hal ini dapat berdampak pada efisiensi kontrol aliran fluida. Hal ini mungkin disebabkan oleh masalah pada mekanisme engsel, pegas (jika ada), atau komponen internal.5. Palu AirWater hammer adalah lonjakan tekanan secara tiba-tiba di dalam pipa sehingga menimbulkan suara dentuman. Hal ini terjadi ketika katup menutup terlalu cepat, dan energi kinetik dari fluida yang mengalir menciptakan gelombang kejut. Hal ini dapat menyebabkan kerusakan seiring berjalannya waktu.6. Keausan BerlebihanKeausan yang berlebihan terjadi ketika komponen katup, seperti cakram ayun atau engsel, aus lebih cepat dari yang diperkirakan. Hal ini dapat disebabkan oleh faktor-faktor seperti laju aliran yang tinggi, seringnya penggunaan, atau partikel abrasif dalam cairan.7. Masalah Arus BalikMasalah aliran balik terjadi ketika katup gagal mencegah aliran balik secara memadai. Hal ini dapat disebabkan oleh kerusakan cakram ayun, penyegelan yang tidak efektif, atau komponen internal yang tidak sejajar.8. Ukuran yang Tidak TepatJika ukuran check valve tidak sesuai dengan kebutuhan aliran sistem, hal ini dapat menyebabkan masalah seperti aliran turbulen, peningkatan penurunan tekanan, atau pencegahan aliran balik yang tidak efektif.9. Instalasi RusakPemasangan yang salah, seperti posisi yang salah atau dukungan yang tidak memadai, dapat menyebabkan berbagai masalah, termasuk kebocoran, penyegelan yang tidak tepat, dan penurunan kinerja katup.10. Kurangnya Perawatan RegulerMengabaikan perawatan rutin dapat menyebabkan masalah di atas tidak diperhatikan atau tidak diatasi, sehingga meningkatkan risiko kegagalan katup seiring berjalannya waktu.Menemukan Produsen Katup Periksa Stainless Steel yang AndalMemahami masalah umum pada kedua katup periksa baja tahan karat sangat penting untuk menjaga integritas dan kinerja peralatan dalam berbagai aplikasi. Inspeksi rutin, pemilihan material yang tepat, dan kepatuhan terhadap praktik pemeliharaan yang direkomendasikan dapat membantu mengatasi dan mencegah masalah ini.Di sisi lain, penting juga untuk menemukan produsen katup periksa baja tahan karat yang andal untuk memastikan kualitas terbaik dan umur panjang produk industri.