
butt welding gate valve


butt welding gate valve

butt welding gate valve

  • The stainless steel ball valve can be closed tightly with only 90 degrees of rotation and small torque. The completely equal valve body cavity provides low resistance, straight flow channel for the medium. The main feature of the ball valve is its compact structure and easy operation and maintenance. The stainless steel ball valve can be used to control the flow of various types of fluids such as air, water, steam, various corrosive media, mud, oil, liquid metal, and radioactive media. The ball valve body can be integrated or combined. This type of valve should generally be installed horizontally in the pipeline.  Stainless steel ball valve classification: stainless steel pneumatic ball valve, stainless steel electric ball valve, stainless steel manual ball valve. Stainless steel ball valve material is divided into 304,316,321 stainless steel ball valves.

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